Friend or Foe?

   Donald Trump is either the greatest hero in American history, or one of the worst enemies the world has ever known. Why Would I say such a thing? Read on, and I’ll explain everything.

He is certainly unlike any presidential candidate this country has ever seen and no one can accuse him of being just another politician because he’s not like any politician… He WINS. He’s aggressive and he says what he feels. He offers simple solutions to big problems. He’s been an inside witness and participant in the world of global business. He’s made billions of dollars as everyone knows. (Some people think that’s a bad thing. Some see that it’s a weapon and a sign of his capability.) He’s an expert negotiator who essentially wants to take a job as CEO of the United States. He wants to take our money back, rather than giving it away. 

He writes his own speeches and in the rallies he seems to use little more than a few notes. He seems to be willing to go up against anybody and anything. He uses no polls to tell him what to say and HE PAYS FOR HIS OWN CAMPAIGN. 

People really need to understand the significance of this; If no one is paying for his campaign, it means he is not indebted to special interest groups that will come back looking for a favor once he’s in office. This is a nice way of saying he’s not taking any bribes.  Because that’s what we have; a system of legal bribery that allows anyone with enough money to write their own laws. Assuming Trump’s message is genuine (and believe  me, I’m skeptical), it means we have a true representative of the people running for president for the first time in 56 years! “Of the people, by the people and for the people.” Isn’t that what our country is supposed to be about?

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