Love Him or Hate Him

Donald Trump is quite a character, to say the least. He speaks to the hearts of millions of Americans. He inspires love and hate of equal intensity. To those who love him, he’s a savior. To those who hate him, he’s the next Hitler. No one seems to be neutral about Trump, and really how could they be? He’s a very intense individual.

Whatever anybody says, Trump has changed the political game (and maybe the world) forever. The massive, almost maniacal response (on both sides) to Trump’s message indicates many things. The most significant thing it says to me is that THE PEOPLE ARE SICK OF THE CORRUPTION ALREADY! People are tired of politicians who do nothing but lie, lie, lie and line their own pockets (and their bosses pockets) at the expense of the people and the integrity of society itself. Donald Trump has awakened a sleeping giant in the American people. He has reminded us that we do have a voice after all! He has shown us that the dark forces in American politics are not invincible and that maybe, just maybe they can be stopped! Maybe he can at least make an attempt to right the ship.

Personally, I believe that the people have now spoken so loudly that there is no going back. No matter what the end result of this election is, the people will not tolerate the same crooked system again. Now, I’m sure I’ve made it pretty clear that I’m a Trump supporter. It’s not something I’m trying to hide. However, I want to make it clear what the intent and purpose of this blog is:


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